Interesting Ideas to Announce a Giveaway Winner On Instagram

Instagram is a social media behemoth comprising over 2 billion users which makes it a powerful tool for both influencers and businesses. Within Instagram, giveaways are the best option to spread the word wide and far. Giveaways are an excellent strategy for brands and influencers to build their Instagram following and engagement. Who doesn’t love the chance to win free stuff? But giveaways aren’t just about acquiring new followers or getting more likes. They are also an opportunity to connect with your audience, build excitement, and show appreciation for their support. 

Different Ways of Announcing Instagram Giveaway Winner

A key part of running a successful giveaway is how you announce and promote the winner(s). You want the announcement to generate buzz and also be fair by tagging the winner properly. This keeps your followers engaged and eager to participate next time. Here are creative ways to announce and promote giveaway winners on Instagram:

Create an Announcement Post

A standard, straightforward way to announce the winner is by creating a dedicated post just for that purpose. Write a caption congratulating the winner(s) by their Instagram handle. Explain what they have won. Tag the winner(s) so they are notified and can easily find the post. Include visually eye-catching graphics like bold text overlays or animated GIFs to make the post pop. Encourage followers to congratulate the winner(s) in the comments for boosting engagement. A key part of running a successful giveaway is how you announce and promote the winner.

Use Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are a fun, casual way to announce the winner that disappears after 24 hours. You can get creative with text, stickers, gifs, polls, music, etc. Post a series of stories building up the announcement with teasers and hints. Share a quick video of you spinning a prize wheel or randomly selecting the winner through the use of the Instagram giveaway picker. Tag the winner so they can re-share it and react to their win. Use interactive sticker polls to engage followers and have them guess or vote on the winner. 

Go Live

If you want to generate maximum engagement, announce the Instagram giveaway winner during a Live broadcast. This creates real-time suspense and gives followers an inside look. Hype up the announcement at the start of the Live, then stall a bit to build anticipation. Show the process of selecting a winner randomly so it is verifiably fair. For best results use the Instagram giveaway picker tool. Considering the various features of a giveaway picker tool, it will let you choose the winner more legitimately. When you reveal the winner, pin their comment and get their real-time reaction if they are watching. If the winner isn’t there, notify them afterward so they can watch and get caught up in the excitement. 

Share User-Generated Content

Encourage the winner to create their own post or story announcing that they won. Repost this as user-generated content, or create side-by-side posts collaborating with the winner. The authentic reaction of a follower winning makes the moment more genuine and fun. You can interview the winner on Instagram Live right after they are announced and capture their raw emotions. Request that the winner tag you back in their celebratory post to spread the news further.

user generated content on instagram

Create a Shared Post 

Instagram now enables multiple accounts to share the same post. Collaborate with the winner to create a joint giveaway announcement post. Work with the winner to write a co-branded caption and coordinate visually on the post style. Time it so you both share the joint post simultaneously. The shared post will then show up directly on both of your profiles and feeds. It’s a seamless way to integrate user-generated content and gives the winner public exposure.

Post a Thank You Video

Video content tends to perform very well on Instagram compared to static images. Create a dedicated video thanking all participants and announcing the winner. Display the username of the winner(s) prominently in the caption and verbally in the video. Get creative with fun edits, visual effects, transitions, or music to liven it up. Behind-the-scenes videos showing how to pick Instagram giveaway winner also add transparency. Shorter video clips can be repurposed as multi-part stories for additional exposure.

Use Instagram Ads

Sponsor an Instagram post announcing the Instagram giveaway winner as an advertisement to expand its reach beyond just your current followers. Write a compelling copy explaining the giveaway and congratulating the winner by name. Target the ad to lookalike audiences or fans of brands in a similar niche for relevant exposure. Allocate a small budget to get more eyeballs on the announcement post. The further promotion makes the winner feel special and shows your brand’s scale. 

Post in Your Stories Highlights

Don’t let giveaway announcements disappear forever after 24 hours. Add the winner reveal post or story to your Instagram Stories Highlights for ongoing visibility. Create a dedicated Highlight cover just for giveaway winners to aggregate them in one place. Curate the best giveaway announcement stories to re-share and preserve as Highlights. Pin the Highlight section to your profile so new visitors can easily see past winners. Rotate old Highlights out after a while so each winner gets their time to shine. 

Give Them a Shoutout in Your Bio

Give the winner a coveted spot in your Instagram bio by mentioning their handle and congratulating them. Rotate the bio shoutout monthly, quarterly, or after each giveaway campaign. The limited run makes it more special to be included. It announces the winner while directing visitors straight to their profile for a follow. Remember to update your bio once their time is up to promote the next winner. 


Giveaways should feel like a celebration, both for you and the lucky winners. Get creative with how you deliver the news to make it more meaningful. Use Instagram’s unique features like Stories, Live videos, and collaborative posting to make your giveaway announcements innovative, fair, and fun. Let your personality and brand voice shine through. Don’t just announce the winner and move on. Find ways to engage your whole community and integrate user-generated content. This fosters an authentic connection with your followers that lasts well beyond the giveaway itself. 

With strategic promotion, you can turn giveaway announcements into buzzworthy moments that stimulate conversation. Ultimately, it’s about showing appreciation for the supporters who made the giveaway a success while making the experience rewarding for everyone involved.

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